Amazon FBM (Fulfilment by Merchant) Service

Fulfilled by Merchant, or FBM, refers to a method where a seller lists their products on Amazon, but manages the storage, shipping and customer support independently.

Doing this yourself can be very time consuming, however when your volumes rise, many sellers look for alternatives such as combining FBM with 3rd party fulfilment (3PL).

How is FBM different from FBA?

Amazon often changes its policies for FBA sellers without giving sellers enough time to implement adaptations.

In addition, FBM sellers are not punished as strictly as FBA sellers for failing to comply with the rules.

That way, unexpected costs do not appear when using FBM. Sellers wishing to have more freedom tend go use FBM, as they can use a FBM sellers often combine their Amazon accounts with a 3PL partner, this not only takes the daily fulfilment struggles away from the seller, but it also passes much of the accountability over to the 3PL.

Luckily Complete Packaging have a 99.9% pick accuracy rate, so your FBM orders are in safe hands.

How Does The FBM Process Work

1. Connect your Amazon-Seller Account

Connect your Seller/Vendor Central Account into our Inventory Management System within minutes. 

2. Send us your products – we’ll check them in and store them ready for dispatch

We can receive your products from all over the world. We receive them, check them into stock and store them. You can manage your inbound deliveries or check current stock levels via your dashboard. Inventory can be divided over multiple locations giving you visibility of your stock wherever it is.

3.Start your same-day fulfilment!

As soon as your customer places an order, this automatically comes through to us meaning we can pick and pack your orders as soon as they come in. Our system will automatically select the most suitable courier & tariff for your parcel.

What We Offer:

Warehouse for startups

Easy integration directly into your Amazon account

Startup Packaging Design

Quality Checking  

CAD for Startups

Bundling and Kitting 

Warehouse for startups

Inventory Management

Startup Packaging Design

Easy integration directly into your Amazon account

CAD for Startups

Dedicated account management

Startup Packaging Design

Rapid Turnaround Times

Startup Packaging Design

Secure storage for all of your products

Startup Packaging Design

Returns Management

The Benefits:

Taking on your own FBM fulfilment can be extremely time consuming and a drain on already limited resources, especially for smaller online brands. Handing your fulfilment over to a 3PL like Complete Packaging enables you to spend more time growing the business instead of packing orders.

FBM Sellers using Complete Packaging’s services don’t have to touch a single parcel – as a result we can guarantee hassle free fulfilment.

While you take care of that, you can do what you do best – Managing and growing your brand, giving you:

- Greater control over your products.
- Multi-Channel strategy.
- Bespoke packaging
- You won’t be affected by changes in Amazon policies.
- Rapid order turnaround times.
- Greater margins to enjoy.
- Returns management.

Amazon FBM is best suited to brands that;

Have access to a 3PL.
- Want a responsive and dedicated fulfilment partner.
- Would rather use branded packaging to give their brand more recognition.
- Want to avoid the high storage and fulfilment fees imposed by Amazon.


As every customer has different requirements there is no one size fits all pricing.

We speak to all of our customers in details to find out what they really need, then go from there.

Saving our customers money is one of the key things we focus on, so rest assured we will always find the most economical way of assisting you with your FBM experience.

We Can Help With:

1. Bespoke packaging – we design & produce your retail packaging to help your brand stand out from the rest.
2. Vendor Central connectivity – we connect directly into your Seller Central account. When your customer places an order we receive this directly meaning no hassle for you.
3. Inventory management – our inventory management software enables you to see your stock levels at a glance, as well as connecting directly into your Amazon account.
4. Receipt of goods – we can receive your stock from anywhere in the world, we simply unload the stock and safely store it in our warehouse until required.
5. Repacking/labelling – Amazon may require your stock to arrive in retail ready condition. We can help prep your stock to arrive ready to sell, whether that be labelling, kitting or simply repacking into retail ready packaging.
6. Storage – keep your stock on site with us until ready to ship to Amazon.
7. Returns Management – we can handle any returns from your customers.

Interested in becoming a Complete Business? Get in touch and tell us where you are on your journey?

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How do I sign up?
It all starts will a quick chat with our sales team. Once they understand what it is you need, they can send all relevant costs over and you’ll be on your way.
How much does FBA cost? 
No two FBA sellers pay the same with Complete Packaging. Our sales team will quickly be able to outline all related costs relevant to your business, however it will likely be less than you imagine though.
Should I use FBM or FBA? 
FBA & FBM suits different businesses, there are so many variables which could point you in one direction over the other. Speak to one of our experts to find our which one is best suited to you and how Complete Packaging can be part of making the process cheaper and easier for you.
Do I have to pay a referral fee when using FBM?
Whether you are selling the item FBM or FBA, you still pay the referral fee. With FBM the referral fee is the percentage of the combined item price plus the shipping amount you are charging.
How can I ship my goods to your warehouse?
Simply put us in touch with your shipping agent or courier company, then we can do the rest, such as receiving the stock, and booking it into our warehouse ready for when it’s needed.
What Is FBM?
Fulfilment by Merchant (FBM) is a service where sellers manage the storage, packaging, and shipping of their products independently, instead of using fulfilment centres like Amazon’s FBA.

Complete Packaging can handle this for merchants by offering comprehensive services including inventory management, product storage, quality checks, bundling, kitting, and returns management.

This allows sellers to maintain greater control over their operations, reduce costs, and ensure a personalised approach to customer service and order fulfilment.

Do you share my information with any third parties?
No, we have very strict GDPR policies in place protecting all of our customers’ data
Is there a minimum order limit?
No order limit here at Complete Packaging!
What parcel delivery companies do you use? 
We only use highly regarded courier companies here at Complete Packaging, Royal Mail, DPD & FedEx being our key partners.
How do I load inventory to your system? 
Our inventory management system Mintsoft is very quick and easy to use. When you come on board with us, you’ll be given a login to your very own portal. From there you can upload inventory and check anything on your profile in seconds.
Does your FBM service handle returns? 
Yes we can handle a wide range of returns from FBA & FBM. We handle the return in any way you’d like, including inspecting the items, taking photos & reporting damage where necessary, as well as quarantining goods when they are not fit for re sale.

Book below to speak to one of our experts!